Athlete- Jesse Cooke



Location- Venice Beach, Ca.

From- Australia


  1. What is your Favorite Muscle Beach Nutrition supplement?

All Pro- Chocolate! Tastes so good!

  1. What is your favorite body part to train?


  1. Least favorite body part to train?


  1. What’s your favorite food?

Pizza or ice cream. Equally love them both

  1. What’s your favorite TV show?

Breaking Bad

  1. What is your achievement you are most proud of?

Semi Finalist on Australia Ninja Warrior and my 661lb deadlift.

  1. Did you play any sports growing up?

I played football and tennis

  1. What’s on your workout playlist?

Mostly R&B, occasionally the random aussie song like Land Down Under.

  1. What is your favorite Movie?

Fast & Furious franchise

  1. Who is your Role Model(s)

Arnold Schwarzenegger + my dad

  1. What is your favorite cheat meal?

Churros! WAY too many churros!